Why do we collect this information about you?

Your information is used to guide and record the advice you and your employer may receive and is vital in helping us to;

APOHS is committed to maintaining the privacy, dignity and confidentiality of service users at all times. We adhere to the principles of data protection legislation, the NHS, General Medical Council, Nursing and Midwifery Council and other relevant Codes of Confidentiality.

The service is medically confidential. The medical records are securely stored in line with data protection legislation and only accessible to APOHS staff.  All APOHS staff adhere to a strict code of ethics in relation to the confidentiality of all consultations, telephone contact and the maintenance of medical records.

Any information obtained by the occupational practitioner is strictly confidential to OH. No information is divulged to any third party, including the person’s general practitioner (GP) without the person’s informed consent.

Usually, any recommendations and advice on placement or return to work are based on the functional effects of the medical condition and its prognosis. Generally there is no requirement for the manager to know the diagnosis or receive clinical details.   Reports to management concerning an individual’s fitness for work will always be discussed and agreed with the individual concerned prior to sending the report.  This advice should be treated by the recipient as special category personal data in respect of data protection legislation and can be shared by the recipient only, with the individual’s consent, with others who have a legitimate need to know (e.g., because they will be responsible for implementing adjustments in the workplace).